You have a God-ordained purpose. Discover it now. Live it today

Raise Your Voice TV
An online streaming TV show (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku) that airs every Wednesday at 10:30am & 6pm (CST) on the PTL network.
We talk about how to use our voice based on Biblical principles to influence our community and help unite the generations.
Discussing topics such as:
Discovering your value
How to find your voice (purpose)
How to talk to God
Connecting with your Community

About Hannah
You may have heard of my grandmother, Billye Brim. I had the honor of traveling with her for about six years around the world. During this season the Lord started speaking to me about my generation.
I started doing Raise Your Voice interviews with people with my phone on Facebook Live. After doing this for two years the Lord supernaturally opened the door for me to have my own television program.
Read my blog to find out more!

Let’s Connect
“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this
Why Raise Your Voice?
My desire is to see a generation know the heart of the Father and learn from the older generation. When I was two years old my parents divorced and my father was no longer involved in my life. God revealed Himself to me as Father when I was six years old. I believe that God wants to reveal Himself as Father to this generation.
What Does Raise Your Voice Mean?
I believe that God has given everyone a voice to make an impact in the world we live in. Raising your voice is not just in speech but also in action. Whatever gifts that God has given you, use them for the glory of God.
Let’s Do This Together!
Unity is important. I wouldn’t be able to do what God has asked of me if I didn’t have the support from you and others joining and taking a bold stand for what God has placed in your hearts. Believe in this movement? Want to take part and join me and thousands of others? Connect with me today through your prayers and financial support. And take this stand for God with me.
Let’s raise our voice together.