Behind the Scenes With Mimi- Raise Your Voice TV

So I was at Mimi’s house the other day and we decided to do an interview from her living room couch.

I had just bought this super nice tripod, and as I’m setting it up it suddenly falls apart in my hand!!! Bummer! This was suppose to be a really nice tripod too! I’m trying to act like I know what I’m doing so Mimi is relaxed before we film.I quickly gather books to stack up on top of each other to elevate the camera to eye level.

The couch where we filmed for Raise Your Voice TV.

The couch where we filmed for Raise Your Voice TV.

Mimi comes out of her room from doing her makeup, and starts directing me to add more books and to get a lamp to bring better lighting before the filming. Someone gave Mimi a pillow that says “Mimi’s aren’t bossy they just have better ideas….”And it’s true. She knows what it takes to do filming.. Well I would say she’s very experienced in this!

Mimi’s aren’t bossy they just have better ideas.
— Pillow

As I was putting the lamp in place for better lighting, I said “people don’t see the behind the scenes creativity that it takes to film.” We started laughing as I was looking at the mountain high books with my camera on top for filming and the giant lamp adding light.

During the interview we talked about some crucial issues that have recently happened in the Christian Faith concerning influential leaders. Mimi wanted to speak to this generation about the importance of reading God’s Word, and knowing their God given authority .

You do not want to miss these programs on the PTL Network the next three Fridays:

September 20th, 27th, and October 4th

You can click the PTL Network link to watch this episode at 8pm central on Friday nights



it will be available to watch on demand on my new website on .

Hannah BrimMimi's House