Every Voice Matters.
Recently I was with a close friend and she told me that I really step out of the box with my life. I saw this as a compliment because I never want to be in a so called '“cooke cutter -do as everyone does” box. I don’t believe God created us to be in a box.
I have been raised in church my entire life and I’m so thankful for my legacy, but I don’t want to see ministry just through one perspective. About three years ago God had to get me to another place (literally Africa) to realize that ministry isn’t just for the masses and conferences, it is also for the individual. Jesus constantly stopped for one person, for example the woman at the well. You see God is a God to the individual.
God is the God of the individual. - Jeanne Wilkerson
Whether we are at Starbucks or buying Christmas gifts.. Let’s take the time and stop for the one this Christmas season. A smile or buying someones coffee can make an impact on someone.
I talked about this on a Raise Your Voice episode you can click the button below to watch.